Advantages or positive effects of analyzing and applying the 4Ms of Production Management?

Sagot :


What is the importance of 4Ms

4Ms are the most important factors which affect the final outcome of any process involved. For a long time using the 4Ms approach, not only for root cause analysis (cause-and-effect) but also for several purposes, they change this method a bit and link it to the IPO (Input - Process - Output) model.

The 4Ms

. Over time, extra Ms have also been added to the standard 4Ms. Or to steer more industry-specific thought, explain the progression or development of the instrument, or actually making it more nuanced as part of rebranding. The major four, though, are all the same:

1. Human (Skill, Technology, Organization,


Do our associates have the ability (and will) to do what is asked of them efficiently, reliably and effectively?

2. Machine (Equipment)

Are our devices capable of a stable and consistent operation at the required level and speed? Do breakdowns, defects or unplanned stoppages hinder their ability to achieve the goal?

3. Method (Process, Schedule, Procedure)

• Can we have common working procedures in order to ensure and sustain reliable, secure production?

4. Material (Information, Raw Materials, Consumables, Quality)

• Do they follow the requisite requirements are there no flaws or deficiencies? Is overhandling or acceleration minimized or eliminated? Are they being properly stored?


Correct me if im wrong