Let's Remember

IED TRUE OR FALSE: Write TRUE if the statement is correct otherwise, write

d/s that can replace the underlined word to make the statement correct.

1 Estrogen plays a vital role in regulating females' menstrual cycle

2. PSH and LH are released by the lupothalamus.

3. Testosterone is responsible for the development of breasts in


4. Puberty occurs paly in femalca.

5. Estrogen is also formed to a lesser extent by the adrenal cortex in lath acara

6. The Pituitary Gland nourish the sperm and help them mature. 7.Only men experience body hair growth.

8. Progesterone has no effect in pregnancy and the growing ferus.

9. Estrogen is also produced in the testes.

10. Androsterone and testosterone are androgen.

11.ESH and causes the preparation of egg cells for release and the formation of sperm cells.

12. Spermatogenesis is the process where the sperm cell dies.

13. Hormones are released into the bloodstream.

14. Progesterone is produced in the Cornus Luteum in the ovary. 15. LH stimulates the production of testosterone.