ASSESSMENT Direction: Write a simple paragraph based on what you learned on the different market forms and meat cuts. Write your answer on a one whole sheet of pad paper.
A simple paragraph based on what you learned on the different market forms and meat cuts.
✏️Is available in the market as fresh, chilled, frozen, cured, canned or dried. Red Meat: All livestock is considered red meat. This includes beef, pork, goat, and lamb. Poultry: Commonly referred to as white meat, poultry includes chicken and turkey. Seafood: That includes fish, as well as crustaceans, like crab and lobster, and molluscs, like clams, oysters, scallops, and mussels.Rib: Cut from the rib area; very tender and flavorful. Short plate: Cut from the belly of the cow; chewy and quite tough. Flank: Cut from the abdominal muscles of the cow; one of the toughest cuts. Loin: Cut from the back of the cow above the ribs; one of the tenderest cuts.