1. Eclipse
2. Celestial
3. Moon
4. Full moon
5. Between
6. Reflected
7. New moon
8. Moon
9. Solar eclipse
10. Shadow
1. Eclipse is a partially or totally obstruct light.
2. A celestial body is a planet or moon or any bodies in outer space.
3. A moon is an example of what can cause an eclipse.
4. The full moon occurs only when the earth moves between the sun and moon.
5. The earth moves between the sun and moon to create a full moon.
6. Sunlight is typically reflected by the moon.
7. A lunar eclipse can only occur when it is a full moon.
8. The moon obstructs the sunlight from reaching the earth
9. An eclipse of the sun is known or called as a Solar eclipse
10. The moon blocks the sunlight causing it to cast a shadow onto the earth during a solar eclipse