I Be courteous, yield to others on a trul 2. "Pack in in, pack it out" means everything you brought should brought back with you including left-over food. Nothing should be left 3. Do not take any plant, rock or marine animal with you 4. Examine arebeological structures, old walls, and other heritage artifacts but do not touch nor leaye marks on them. 5 Check the weather forecast and be prepared for changing weather conditions 6. Avoid places where impacts are just beginning to show 7. Use existing trails or campsites, no need to build a new campsite that will alter the environment 8. Respect people who live and work in the countryside. 9 No burning of plastics or other substances that emit toxic fumes. 10. Do not feed wild animals or birds as it is not their natural food. The food might damage their bealth or alter their natural behaviors and even expose them to predators,