Sagot :
You understand that public forums:
___Give people of diverse backgrounds a chance to express their views
___Are a first step toward understanding the community's needs and resources
You have gathered the following things you need to conduct a public forum:
___Meeting place
___Community members
___Easel/newsprint /markers
___Willingness to listen carefully
Issues and Concerns
You have asked yourself the following questions:
___What are the problems?
___What are the consequences?
___Who is affected?
___How are they affected?
___Are there related issues of concern?
___Are these issues of widespread concern?
You have asked yourself the following questions:
___Who or what might oppose efforts to prevent or solve the problem?
___Can they be involved effectively?
___What are the other limits on effective prevention/treatment?
___How can the barriers and resistance be overcome?
Resources for Change
You have asked yourself the following questions:
___What resources are needed?
___What local people or groups could contribute?
___What monies and materials are needed?
___Where might they be obtained?
Alternatives and Solutions
You have asked yourself the following question:
___What are alternatives for addressing the problem, given the anticipated barriers?
Organizing a public forum
You have taken the following steps:
___Holding meetings at different sites to get real representation.
___Scheduling the forum at an easy-to-find, public location which is accessible and comfortable
___If possible, holding the forum in the evening to avoid time conflicts with work and school.
___Publicized the forum as widely possible.
___Personally recruited community leaders and diverse community members to attend the meetings, and asked them to recruit others as well.
___Provided transportation to the meeting if necessary.
___Served light refreshments if possible.
Conducting a public forum
You have taken the following steps:
___Designated a discussion leader or group facilitator
___Introduced the leader of the community initiative and the discussion leader, and, if time and group size allowed, let all participants introduce themselves.
___Agreed upon an ending time, and kept to it.
___Kept working groups to smaller than 30-40 participants, or, if over that number, divided into smaller groups.
___Designated a recorder for each group.
___Provided information about your own organization, if appropriate.
___Considered allowing some time for addressing such topics as issues and concerns; barriers and resistance to addressing the issues and concerns; community resources for change; recommended alternatives and solutions.
___Used newsprint to record the discussion on each of the topics.
___Concluded with a summary of what was achieved and a preliminary plan of action.
___Announced the next meeting if possible.
___Prepared a written summary of brainstorming ideas and mail to all participants, with thanks, and with mention of opportunities for further involvement.