Activity 2 Directions: Study Figure 9 and answer the following items Sept. 21 (SUN) WE S June 21 Dec. 21 March 21 Position 1 (December) 1. Compare the lengths of day and night in the Northern Hemisphere. How about in the Southern Hemisphere?(2 points) 2. What season is it in the Northern Hemisphere? In the Southern Hemisphere? In regions along equator? (3 points) Position 3 (June) 3. Compare the lengths of day and night in the Northern Hemisphere. How about in the Southern Hemisphere? (2 points) 4. What season is it in the Northern hemisphere? In the Southern Hemisphere? In regions along the equator? (3 points) Positions 2 and 4 5. Why are there equal lengths of day and night on March 21? September 21? (2 points)