Sagot :
A sense of responsibility is an awareness of one’s obligations. It can be defined as a general conscious awareness; "a sense of security"; "a sense of happiness"; "a sense of danger"; "a sense of self". Sense of responsibility is an important factor that cannot be overemphasized even in our society.
A lot of people in our society have misplaced sense of responsibility which may have been influenced during childhood due to a few factors which I intend to very much highlight here. It’s amazing how the society have been infected both politically, economically and socially by both the ruled and rulers. I am going to be placing much emphasis on the Child because this inadequacies ought to have been corrected as a child. Misplaced identities I have come to believe with time have been due to lack of a sense of responsibility even in children and adults.
Imagine this scenario; a Christian child who is allowed to pray in a mosque for reasons best known to parents or the reverse, will grow up with a misplaced sense of responsibility as it pertains to religion; a child who is allowed to wear the opposite sex’s clothes will perceive it as a normal thing to be a gay, lesbian or a transgender; a child who steals and is left unpunished will think it right to steal again and again. It has become quite clear that parents are responsible to some extent for these societal misconducts and behaviours.