Sagot :
Hockey – Improves coordination and balance
Tennis - Increasing bone density
Badminton – improves flexibility
Volleyball – Can develop fast reflexes
Baseball – hand-eye coordination
Rugby – reduced risk of type-2 diabetes
Football – improving heart health and blood pressure
Boxing – can help improve your heart health, body composition, and strength, as well as lower your blood pressure and aid weight loss.
Cricket – reinforce muscular tissues
Fencing - The physical benefits of fencing include increased coordination, agility, balance, flexibility, strength, and cardiovascular endurance.
1)pushups ||| building upper body strength
2)Jumping rope ||| Builds stronger bones
3)YOGA ||| Yoga helps with back pain relief
4)Soccer ||| increases aerobic capacity and cardiovascular health.
5)Volleyball ||| tone and strengthen the cardiovascular and respiratory system
6)Jogging ||| cope with stress and depression
7)Dancing ||| improved condition of your heart and lungs
8)Walking ||| Maintain a healthy weight and lose body fat
9)Biking ||| improved posture and coordination
10)Swimming ||| keeps your heart rate up but takes some of the impact stress off your body.