II. Logical Arrangement Directions: Using the letters A-H, arrange the series of events logically. Write the letter of the answer on the spaces provided before each number.

18. In the end, he wandered the earth alone singing his melodies longing for the time he'll be reunited with he's beloved Eurydice.

19. "Farewell," Orpheus heard her cry as she was carried back to the underworld. Orpheus failed what he was told by Hades.

20. Plea granted, Orpheus and Eurydice left the underworld.

21. Persephone was so moved listening to Orpheus' song, her heart melted. She pleaded Hades to release them out of the underworld.

22. Searching to ease his sadness, Orpheus came to the palace of Hades and Persephone, the king and queen of the underworld.

23. Orpheus continued to play his lyre tenderly as he made his way through the gloomy underworld.

24. Orpheus lost Eurydice over a poisonous snake. He roamed around singing his melodies to try to overcome his grief.

25. Orpheus fell in love with a beautiful young woman named Eurydice, they got married and look forward to many years of happiness together.​