Brainliest kopo right answer and nonsense will be reported

Title of the commercial: pasalubong ng
(DUNKIN' DONUT FRIES)brief description: you don't have to
you don't have tochoose anymore! try DONUT FRIES...
Title of the commercial: DUNKIN
Title of the commercial: DUNKINFAVORITE
Title of the commercial: DUNKINFAVORITEbrief description:enjoy a dozen of our
Title of the commercial: DUNKINFAVORITEbrief description:enjoy a dozen of ourpremium donuts...
Title of the commercial: TAGBILARA AREA
Title of the commercial: TAGBILARA AREAbrief description: CRAVING FOR
Title of the commercial: TAGBILARA AREAbrief description: CRAVING FORDUNKIN'?