the investigation seek to teenage pregnancy​

Sagot :


Teenage pregnancy has long been a worldwide social, economic and educational concern for the developed, developing and underdeveloped countries. Studies on adolescent sexuality and pregnancy are very limited in our country. Therefore, this study aims to assess the prevalence of teenage pregnancy and its associated factors among school adolescents of Arba Minch Town.



The prevalence of teenage pregnancy among school adolescents of Arba Minch Town was 7.7%. Being grade 11 student (AOR=4.6;95%CI:1.4,9.3), grade 12 students (AOR=5.8;95% CI:1.3,14.4), not knowing the exact time to take emergency contraceptives (AOR=3.3;95%CI:1.4,7.4), substance use (AOR=3.1;95%CI:1.1,8.8), living with either of biological parents (AOR=3.3;95%CI:1.1,8.7) and poor parent-daughter interaction (AOR=3.1;95%CI:1.1,8.7) were found to be significant predictors of teenage pregnancy.