Cite tentative research problem or inquiry in work on as requirements in the senior high stem

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This study was significant to the following:

Does modular learning literally affects student on academic performance of SHS student?

DepEd educational system have had to respond to COVD-19 pandemic this year on a very short notice. The go to result? Distance learning. Yet for many of us, this is a newly domain and also naturally students, parents, and superintendent want to know the advantages nor benefits. First and foremost we student in Rinconada National Technical Vocational School (RNTVS) it help us to economize on a daily transportation, monetary allowance and more on strengthens family bonding which it means student in RNTVS dont need to spend more money and time commuting just to go to school and it saves time too, and second this benefit can provoke many educators to shift to distance learning after the covid-19 outbreak since e-learning allows students to continue participating in class without having tobe physically present unlike face-to-face and online classes that involves a teacher discussing lessons to students, modular learning allows RNTVS shs students to be more independent as they only rely on themselves and it enhance their capabilities to learn by understanding their lessons on their own, or to think of way/s on how to adapt and catch up lessons.

RNTVS SHS STUDENT - With help of the distance learning they can benefited by exploring themselves more and be more knowledgeable and with the use of distancing learning it can increase and enhance their knowledge and understanding from lesson