Gauss law if the electric flux through a spherical surface is zero, then there is no charge within the sphere.

Sagot :


Demonstrated Knowledge of Process

Student knows and was able to identify and explain necessary theories/ tasks for completion of the project. Relies on own memory skills to get task done.

Followed exact directions to activity given in lap book and by instructor,

Student was able to complete the tasks without assistance.

Student followed all safety rules.

Student was able to identify and explain necessary theories/ tasks for completion of the project with sorme assistance. Uses own words to describe the task.

Followed directions.

Student was able to complete the tasks with little assistance.

Good Student followed most safety rules but have forgotten some.

Student was unable to identify or explain concepts without major prompting. Requires adult assistance to get job done. Uses very little vocabulary to describe the task.

Moderately followed directions. Worked at a pace that was productive.

Student was able to complete the tasks with moderate assistance.

Fair Student attempted to follow safety rules but failed to meet several

Student was not able to both identify and explain major theories/tasks. Uses others views to explain the tasks and doesn't complete any steps on their own for any of steps.

Did not follow directions in any of the tasks and at times refused to slow down to do the tasks well.

Student was unable to complete the tasks without major assistance.

Undeveloped Student failed to follow a significant number of safety rules.

Student lacked interest in demonstrating knowledge of project and/ or process,

Student was non-compliant when given directions all the time.

Student refused or was unable to start the project when offered assistance

Non-Compliant Student was not safe enough to enter/ participate in class

Ability to Follow Directions

Level of Needed Assistance

Application of Safety Practices