Measurements are the most important part of baking. When you add too much cornstarch or sugar, your baked goods won’t turn out great. They will be too thick or too sweet.
This is where measuring spoons come in. Since desserts like this dream cake recipe call for measurements in tablespoons and teaspoons, you must have measuring spoons.
Baking is about accuracy. You must closely follow recipes to make delicious treats. This includes measuring liquid ingredients properly. So, you must have a complete set of measuring cups or at least have a conversion chart ready.
Keep them at an easy-to-find spot because you are going to use them often. Most measuring cup sets include one cup, ½ cup, and ¼ cup. However, it owning more cups like 2-cup and 4-cup pieces so you can measure at once helps.
Some recipes call for ingredients in pounds or grams. Given this, you must have a kitchen scale. This makes you ready in case your newfound recipe calls for ingredients in grams.
For instance, this simple brownie recipe requires ingredients in grams. You cannot measure these ingredients using spoons or cups, so you must have a weighing scale.
You are going to mix a lot of ingredients when baking. From flour and sugar to eggs and chocolate, you have to mix often.
However, you cannot mix them without bowls. Mixing bowls allow you to mix ingredients then incorporate them to the mixture as you bake.