PERFORMANCE TASK 2: PARTS OF A CIRCLE (20 POINTS) 4 points 3 points 2 points Most of the parts of the circle are correct. Some of the parts of Little to none of the circle are parts of the circle are correct. the correct. is The output output has The organized with few several smudges or smudges or tears. The output shows average creativity. The output has many smudges or tears and unorganized tears. output shows The poor/no creativity. The task is incomplete. The output shows moderate creativity. Some of the task is and complete provided 6-7 parts of the circle. Most of the task is complete and provided 7-8 parts of the circle.

1. Use short bond paper.
2. Draw any circular object like "Parol", Wheel and etc.
3. Label the circle with points.
4. List/Name 10 parts of a circle.

Be guided by the following criteria/rubric: Criteria 5 points Content/Accuracy All parts of the circle are correct. Neatness The output is clear, neat and organized. Creativity The output shows excellent creativity. Completion All task is complete and provided 9-10 parts of the circle.

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