Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is wrong. 21. Follow the instructions on the sanitizer's containers carefully. -22 Cleaning will remove most of the dangerous bacteria present in the utensils. 23. Scraper used to level off ingredients when measuring dry ingredients 24. Aluminum is the most popular material used for tools and equipment but more expensive -25. Dishwasher is a machine for cleaning dishware and cutlery automatically. -26. Sanitizing is the process of removing the food and other types of soil from the surface glass or a pan 27 Caution sign is used to alert people that the floor is wet and slippery. 28. Correct storing of cleaning equipment is necessary to eliminate the bacteria that will grow right on or in them 29. Markup is the difference between how much an item costs you and how much you sell that item for its your profit per item. 30. Occupational safety and health is a cross-disciplinary area concerned with protecting the safety, healt and welfare of people engaged in work.