ind 10,000 as it did not move on from this number around the year 1940 production practices and rate, weather, food resources Ind 30+ years 6. Match column A (conservation effort) with column B (aims of the program) B A 31. Manila Bay Clean-up Program A. Rehabilitation of abandoned mines 32. Scaling up of coastal and marine cosystem Program B. Maintenance and protection of exist 33. Enhanced biodiversity conservat' on C. Neutralize illegal logging and hot sp 34. Intensified environmental protection: solid waste D. Calibration and maintenance of a ment station 35. Intensified environmental protection: clean water E. Collaborative undertaking among 36. Geo-hazard, ground water assessment and responsible esteros or creeks to achieve a cleane environment 37. Enhanced national greening program F. Clean-up, rehabilitate, and preserve 38. Intensified environmental protection: clean air G. Establishment of material recovery 39. intensified forest protection and anti-illegal logging H. Establishment of critical habitat 40. Adopt a river / estero water body program 1. Coral reef and seagrass assessment J. Conduct of classification of water b​