10. A Moral-Philosophical Approach usually describes or evaluates a work in terms of the ideas and values it contains. This often means examining a work's ideas and values - both those expressed directly by the narrator or character and those implied by the overall design and content-in relation to?

a. Ethical and Religious System

c. Rationalism and Philosophical

b. Philosophical and Ethical System

d. Ethical, Philosophical or religious System

11. A reader-response asks the reader to his or her personal reaction to reading.

a. Examine, explain, defend

b. Criticize, explain, examine and

c. Respond, support, examine

d. Support, examine, defend

12. What should you mention first when responding to a book or a poem?

a. Author only

b. The title, author and main thesis

c. Title only

d. Main thesis only and should be and the text if possible.

13. Your critique can and should be

a. Negative and True

b. Disagree and criticize

c. Positive and Praise

d. Ignore and pass

14. As a beginning scholar, be of criticizing any text or poem as "confusing" or "crazy," since readers might simply conclude that you are too ignorant or slow to understand and appreciate it.

a. Cautious

b. Negative

c. Positive

d. Confused

15. If you did not like the text, that is fine, but criticize it either from what ways?

a. Conservative and Positive

c. Negative and Positive

b. Principle and Form

d. Defend and Criticize​

10 A MoralPhilosophical Approach Usually Describes Or Evaluates A Work In Terms Of The Ideas And Values It Contains This Often Means Examining A Works Ideas And class=