If you are to receive a huge amount of insurance money, what will you do with it if you were living in a small apartment with your family and is struggling financially too?​

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8 Ways to Help Family Members in Financial Trouble
1. Give a Cash Gift

If your loved one is having a short-term cash flow problem, you may want to give an outright financial gift. Decide how much you can afford to give, without putting yourself in financial jeopardy, and then either give the maximum amount you can afford all at once (and let your loved one know that's the case) or perhaps give smaller gifts on a periodic or regular basis until the situation is resolved.

2. Make a Personal Loan

Your family member may approach you and ask for a short-term loan. Talk frankly, clearly write out the terms of the loan on paper, and have both parties sign it.

3. Co-sign a Loan

4. Create a Bill-Paying Plan

Often, people in a financial crisis simply aren't aware where their money is going. If you have experience using a budget to manage your own money, you may be able to help your family in creating and using a budget as well.

5. Provide Employment

If you're not comfortable making a loan or giving a cash gift, consider hiring your family member to assist with needed tasks at an agreed-upon rate. This side job may go a long way toward helping them earn the money they need to pay their bills and help you finish up any jobs that you've been putting off.

6. Give Non-Cash Assistance

If you're uncomfortable or unwilling to give your family member cash, consider giving non-cash financial assistance, such as gift cards or gift certificates. You'll have more control over what your money will be used for, and you can easily buy gift cards in varying amounts at most stores.

7. Prepay Bills

You may want to consider prepaying one or more regular bills your loved one receives (rent/mortgage, utility bills, or insurance premiums) to help them during their current financial crunch. Offering to do something, such as making their car payment, may help them avoid a short-term crisis and give them the little extra time they need to work out of their situation.

8. Help Find Local Resources

You simply may not wish or be able to provide your family member with financial assistance or hands-on help.
