coma de Bals Independent Activity 2 On this activity, you are given the steps in conducting online survey with description. Answer the questions ask as you prepare to do an online survey resarding the market demand of fruits in your locality. Table 1: Steps in Conducting Online Survey A. Communicate the Survey's Purpose Description of the Steps in Conducting Online Survey a. Survey questions must be specific and must be related to your goals and objectives set. b. Who are the participants in your survey? C. Defining what you really want to know and stating the problem/s you need to solve are B. Prioritize your Questions C. Analyze and Act Upon the Results D. Identify your Target Audience E Test the Survey; important. d. The use of technology is unpredictable so think ahead on how to troubleshoot the process. e. Inform your survey participants about its purpose and how these data become useful in improving the activities, products or services you have F. Define Your Survey's Objectives f. Gather these results and begin analyzing the data as needed in spreadsheets, presentation programs and statistical software. Implement results.