Directions: Read carefully each statement. Determine whether the statement is
true or false by putting a check (/) mark on the appropriate
column. Write your in your activity notebook.

True False

1.Organisms like bacteria and viruses are all over the
2 Microorganisms that cause diseases are called pathogens.
3.A cough of more than two (2) weeks with weight loss andnight sweats is indicative more of pulmonary
tuberculosis (PTB) than pneumonia.4.Stomachache is not a symptom that can be manifested by
a communicable disease.
5.All types of hepatitis can be transmitted via consumption of contaminated food and/or water.
6.Dengue has four serotypes. A past infection one serotype does not provide immunity to the other types.
7.Wearing a face mask is not advisable who sneezing.
8.All communicable disease are sexually transmitted but
not all sexually transmitted infections (STis) are communicable diseases.
9.Sharing needles, syringe, and handkerchiefs are not
10.It is the nature of pathogens to invade their host through certain points of entry to cause morbidity.​