Give 5 examples for privative ideas.

Sagot :


. NATURE OF THE IDEA Ideas are the building blocks of knowledge. They are the elements that constitute judgments and judgments express either truth or error. Ideas must be thoroughly understood because no building can be solid unless its foundation is solid.

2. FORMATION OF IDEAS  All knowledge starts with the senses. Generally speaking, nothing is in the mind unless it passes thru the senses. Are there exceptions?  Examples: sugar as an object of perception to the various senses. The image of sugar is retained even after the object itself is removed because I can recall the sugar’s image in my senses. Based on the above example I have an idea of sugar. This image of the imagination is the first step in the formation of an idea. Cite other examples.

3.  Man does not stop at the mere reproduction of the image. He begins to think. It does this by the process of abstraction.  Through sense experience we encounter many beings whom we designate by the name “man”. But we found out from sense experience that are great differences among men.  Comparing these differences some of them change while others disappear. The intellect also perceives that there are characters that remain intact thru all the changes.

4. 1. Man must have a body. 2. Man must be alive. 3. Man must be sentient. 4. Man must be a substance. 5. Man must be rational. Man must be a rational, sentient, living, bodily substance in order to be a man. The absence of any of these - man ceases to be a man. They are therefore the essential elements that make a man a man and not something else. Other characteristics of man are non-essentials.

5.  The intellect strips the individual of all the non- essential qualities and retains only the essential attributes and forms them into one intellectual image - man is a rational, sentient, living, bodily substance – and since a sentient, living, bodily substance is called an animal , man is therefore a rational animal. This intellectual image of man is our idea of man.
