Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1.It refers to words that have the same sound but have different meanings. Sometimes these words have either same or different spellings.

A. Homonym
B. Homograph
C. Hyponym
2. Words may be classified or grouped based on the similarities of their characteristics. The categorization of these words is __________.

A. Homonyms
B. Homographs
C. Hyponyms

3. The words above are classified or grouped into one. Orchids, daisy, rose, lirio, gumamela, sunflower, sampaguita and lily form one group or classification. They are all categorized as ______.

A. Sections
B. Flowers
C. Herbal

4. These are letters or syllables added before or after a word. By adding this, the meaning of the word changes.

A. Consonant Blends
B. Affixes
C. Root Words

5. Solving a problem requires careful thinking and analysis of all its angles. Some problems require simple solutions while other require detailed ones