II. Identify each situation if implies Chronological Sequential, write A, if it is En Media Res write B and write C if it is a Flashback. 11. When she arrived that afternoon, she found out that her mother left. 12. It is her mother's birthday, then they prepared different food and celebrated the whole day. 13. Maria helps her parents on Sunday. Works in a computer shop from Monday to Friday. Takes rest on 14. Jun and his father were already fixing the fence, he looked backed on the day when they were playing basketball on that place. 15. Now, they are already well to do and they can afford all what they want. 16. Jun started the experiment by filling the glass with vinegar. He put the egg inside and left it for 48 hours. After waiting, he found out that the egg had molded in itself without cooking. It even bounces when thrown lightly on the table. 17. Min is cooking paste that he'll use for paper bags. Due to disconcerting, he forgot to put as small amount of vinegar to avoid spoiling. He remembered the last time when he had to throw all the spoiled paste. 18.. The handle of the spoon started to heat up. The pupils used a rag for safety. They have conducted the 19. Jhon is starting to plant Mongo beans. As he was putting the Mongo beans in water, he suddenly thought of himself swimming in the sea. He hasn't been to a beach for more than a year. 20. Kim is already mixing the substances when Jay called him. He said that Kim had mixed another material. Jay said that he has to read the instructions before proceeding in the experiment.