true or false

1. Effective questioning is not always made to elicit "correct answer ".
2.Framing the right questions will help you save time in gathering data.
3.A good question can open minds and immediately can transform how people think.
4. Raising sensible questions begin with the attitude. "It's okay not to know everything".
5. Wh-questions are used to inquire about people things places time qualities and others.
6. Questions help learners focus on important details,stimulate discussion,and deep thinking.
7. The more in control you are with your emotions,the more objective and rational your reactions.
8.There is no need to use hand signal words to indicate that you are about to share opinions and not facts.
9. An effective question can ignite one's creativity not only the one asking but also the one answering.
10. Your reaction depends on how well you understand a message on a material viewed and on how well you pay attention to details. process non verbal cues, and interpret meanings.​