Make a promise note about helping in the household chores in order to keep the house clean and safe from pests and rodents.(10pts)

plz answer​

Sagot :


I promise that i will clean the house and help in house activity that can help my family.

  • I'll go clean my trash
  • I will sweep everyday
  • I'll do the dishes
  • I will clean every the corners
  • I will fix my belongings
  • I will remove the spider's web
  • I will remove the dust from any tools


hope it helps


As a daughter I promise to put clothes on clothes hooks, Set placemats on the dinner table, Set the table for meals, Help with preparing meals, Help put clean clothes into piles for each family member, ready to fold, Help with grocery shopping and putting away groceries, Water the garden and indoor plants, Feed pets, Help with hanging out clothes and folding washing, Take out rubbish, Help with meal preparation and serving, Vacuum or sweep floors, and Clean the bathroom sink, wipe down kitchen benches, or mop floors.