This refers to the solubility of one substance in another. Polar materials tend to be more attracted to and are more soluble in polar solvents. Nonpolar materials tends to be attracted to and are more soluble in nonpolar materials. Polar molecules are those that possess regions of positive and negative charge
Polar molecules must contain one or more polar bonds due to a difference in electronegativity between the bonded atoms. Molecules containing polar bonds have no molecular polarity if the bond dipoles cancel each other out by symmetry
Significance. Polarity is important because it determines whether a molecule is hydrophilic (from the Greek for water-loving) or hydrophobic (from the Greek for water-fearing or water-averse). Molecules with high polarity are hydrophilic, and mix well with other polar compounds such as water.
Polar molecules occur when there is an electronegativity difference between the bonded atoms. Nonpolar molecules occur when electrons are shared equal between atoms of a diatomic molecule or when polar bonds in a larger molecule cancel each other out.