9. The store is located near a busy area where there are schools and other
A. Place
C. Producten en
B. Price
D. Promotion
10. A food outlet offers unlimited rice to its customers, under what unique selling
proposition does the store uses?
A. Place
C. Product that
B. Price
D. Promotion
11. One of the most important aspects of a business is its name. What unique
selling proposition is it under?
A. Brandae
B. Business Plan
C. Personal Competency
D. Unique Selling Proposition
12.A written document that describes the layout of a business from marketing,
financial, and operation. Sigu 16DTE Sat
A. Brand
C. Personal Competency
B. Business Plan vivante
D. Unique Selling Proposition
13. Which of the following is focused when a seller presents the product or service
as different from the other competitors?
Ten word as
A. Brand
C. Personal Competency
B. Business Planche
D. Unique Selling Proposition
14. A business establishment convinces its customers through advertisements of
how good their product or service is. What unique selling proposition is it?
A. Place
C. Product
B. Price sleposlo
D. Promotion and
15.A restaurant uses ingredients that are unique and original in the foods being
A. Place
C. Product
B. Price
D. Promotion