Sagot :
The 20th and 21st centuries
Technology from 1900 to 1945
Recent history is notoriously difficult to write, because of the mass of material and the problem of distinguishing the significant from the insignificant among events that have virtually the power of contemporary experience. In respect to the recent history of technology, however, one fact stands out clearly: despite the immense achievements of technology by 1900, the following decades witnessed more advance over a wide range of activities than the whole of previously recorded history. The airplane, the rocket and interplanetary probes, electronics, atomic power, antibiotics, insecticides, and a host of new materials have all been invented and developed to create an unparalleled social situation, full of possibilities and dangers, which would have been virtually unimaginable before the present century.
humans were severely limited in how much stuff we could transport over land, and how far.
Over the past 100 years, inventions and discoveries have made life safer and healthier. Medical breakthroughs have given diabetics insulin, created the artificial heart, and made blood banks possible. The discovery of penicillin led to modern antibiotics, and vaccines have eradicated polio.
Some inventions have helped the world connect and fundamentally changed all aspects of people's personal and work lives. Technological advances in the 1960s gave rise to the modern internet, which gave the world websites and email addresses. Steve Jobs changed everything when he unveiled the iPhone in 2007, putting a computer and a camera in just about everyone's pocket.