Let's Create Directions: Problem: The table below shows the kilometer readings for Paul's journey to visit his Great Aunt Mabel. 40 30 50 0 20 10 TIME (min) DISTANCE (Icm) 27 17.1 27 7 0.7 0 a. Draw the graph of the given data. b. Label each section of the graph to describe how his speed changes over the course of his journey. c. Calculate the speed at t= 10 min, t=20 min, t=30 min, t=40 min, t-50 min. Good Completion All the questions were answered completely. Fair Most of the questions were answered. Poor Less than half of the questions were answered Less than half of the concrete answers correct and/or the Accuracy All of the concrete answers were correct and the obiect Most of the concrete answers were correct and the object​