Sagot :
Better performance – marginal gains make the differenceInvades privacy
Better medical care results in fewer injuries or faster recovery from injuryBlurs lines between personal and professional time
Feedback from coaches is more focused, objective and helpfulAvailability and cost – makes sport and success exclusive to wealthy people and countries
Improved kit is more comfortable, more efficient and saferTempts athletes and coaches into cheating or unfair practices
Part of a team, not isolatedPuts the sole focus on winning not athletic endeavour
For officials
Supports team approach so there is less pressure on individualsSlows the game
Information can be shared easily and quickly and stored over timeNot available at all levels of competition
Decisions and scoring are more reliable and accurateNo longer trust people's decisions
There is increased confidence and trust in officialsUndermines respect for officials' knowledge and expertise
Undermines honesty, integrity and the spirit of fair play
For spectators
More engaged in the sportDetracts from actual play
More informed about rules, players etcReduces the atmosphere at live events
Have a direct link to athletesReduces interest in grass roots events that aren't supported by technology