Instructions: Read the following statements. Identify if the given statement begins Question a startling statement, an anecdote or a joke or a history. Choose your answer from box and write only the letter of your answer on the space provided

a. a question

b. a starting statement

c. an anecdote or a joke

d. history or background

1. A talk on credit cards: Shopping for a computer, I asked the salesgirl if the store honored credit cards. them?" she said. "We worship them!".

2. A talk on the Philippine economy: We shall catapult ourselves into the twenty-first century," declared the preside confidently.

3. A talk on marriage: A marriage is successful when the husband and wife are incompatible, that is, it husband has the income and the wife is pát-able.

4. A talk on the candidates up for election: "Who of the candidates has the greatest win ability?

5. A talk on teenage pregnancy: "Love is blind and lovers cannot see the petty follies they commit," said that great English poe

6. A talk on the Chinese people: The oldest written record of Chinese history dates back to the Shang dynasty (about 11 B. C. to 1122 B. C.).

7. A talk on women's dothes: is a woman's dress beautiful because it is sexy? Or is the dress sexy because it is beaut

8. A talk on political campaigns: Many of the politicians who are running for office should be running from the police

9. A showbiz talk show: "Do you know who's dating the matinee idol?" the host started.

10. A blology teacher to the class: "The ripest fruit falls first," says Shakespeare,​

Sagot :


Terms in this set (25)


One of the greatest discoveries during the Renaissance period


A great book finder, related how he would visit the libraries of monasteries and find manuscripts hidden in dust, debris, and rat-ridden attics.


Other name of Rennaisance

Giovanni Boccaccio

Great writer of prose in modern language. Best known for his masterpiece, Decameron.


Contains the list of all the sources that you consulted when preparing for your paper whether you actually referred to them in the paper or not.


T/F : Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra ranks as the most outstanding writer from Spain's Golden Age of Culture.

Don Quixote

A novel about a middle-aged country landowner who imagines himself a knight in armor and goes into the world to fight injustices.

He wanted to become a knight and roam the world for adventures

What effect did the reading of many books on the adventures of knights have on Don Quixote?

A girl named Aldonza Lorenzo fell in love with him

Which of the following did not happen in the novel Don Quixote?

- He rode a scrawny horse named Rocinante

- A girl named Aldonza Lorenzo fell in live with him

- The two ladies of the inn gave him salted fish and moldy bread to eat

Impromptu Speech

The speaker is given very little advance notice to speak for a few minutes on a specific subject

Extemporaneous Speech

The speaker has had time to prepare the ideas to present, but they are in the form of an outline that the speaker has to know from memory

An anecdote or a joke

A talk on credit cards

Shopping for a comouter, I asked the salesgirl if the store honored credit cards. "Honor them?" She said. "We worship them!"

A startling statement

A talk on the Philippine economy

"we shall catapult ourselves into the twenty-first century," declared the president confidently.

A question

A talk on the candidates up for election

"Who of the candidates has the greatest 'winability'?"

A quoted remark or quotation

A talk on teenage pregnancy

"Love is blind and lovers cannot see the petty follies they commit," said that great English poet

History or background

A talk on Chinese people

"The oldest written record of Chinese history datea back to the Shang dynasty (about 1766 BC to 1122 BC)

A question

A showbiz talk show

"Do you know who's dating the matinee idol?" The host started


Formal type of argumentation

Conviction and persuasion

Elements of successful argument

False ; Conviction

T/F : Use more PERSUASION, if the audience is an intelligent and highly eduacted group.


Means getting the goodwill of the audience

Sometimes, she slept late to study for her lessons

Example of Hasty Generalization, except one

-All snakes are poisonous

-Every student who is absent has dengue

-Sometimes, she slept late to study for her lessons