The Good PrinceBantuganThe following selection tells of some of the adventures of Prince Bantugan, whose namemeans “one who makes history.” He is the foremost hero of the Maranao epic Darangen, which is the longest epic in thePhilippines.
1. envious- feeling or showing desireto have what someone else has
2. frown- to show displeasure by facialexpression
3.plot-toplansecretlytodosomething harmful
4.victorious- having won a victory
5. astonishment- a feeling of beingvery surprised
6. weary- feeling of extreme tiredness
7. sorrow- feeling of so much sadness
8. weeping- to cry because of sadness
9. wage (war)- to start a war
10. shriek- to make a loud, high-pitched cry
11. grief- deep sadness caused bysomeone’s death
12. remorse- a feeling of being sorryfor doing something wrong
13.repentance-showingthatsomeone is truly sorry for doingsomething bad
14. blame- to say or think that aperson is responsible for somethingbad that happened