1.)It is only when we seek God,pray for strength and guidance,and have a change of heart that our broken relationship become whole again and we come to feel that we are once more ‘at home’ with others and at peace with ourselves.

2.)Yahweh punishes the sinners but also forgives them. He never abandons his people and continues to be with them in their time of suffering.

3.)Ezra prayed to God and wept bitterly becaus of Israel's sinfulness. The people gathered around him and wept with him.

4.)The fidelity of the Israelites to God was also severly tested during their persecution.

5.)The suffering servant shall not only establish justice as proclaimed in Isaiah 42:1. He shall also save mankind.

6.)When the Babylonians defeated the Assyrians and exiled the Israelites, this promise of a remnant (the stump) gave the exiles hope.

7.)The returning exiles have unfortunately married the pagans in Babylon and had children. This mixed marriage did not pose any problem with regard to faithfulness to the law.

8.)The martyrs have clearly declared that pain and suffering are temporary and those who die without si shall experience an everlasting happiness with God.

9.)The destruction of the two Israelite Kingdoms was fullfilled when King Ahaz of Judah sought the help of Assyria against the attack of the Northern Kingdom and Kingdom of Damascus.

10.)Despite God's benevolence, Israel continued with her evil ways.

11.)Nehemiah strongly opposed mixed marriages as Nehemiah 13:25-27 narrates his acts against those who married foreign wives.

12.)Before dying, Eleazar said, “The Holy Lord, who sees all, knows that though I could have saved myself from death, I how endure terrible sufferings in my body. But in my soul I suffer gladly because of the respect I have for him (2 Macc 6:30)