Directions: Indicate whether the statement is True or False. If false, copy the underline word that made it incorrect and then write the necessary corrections. Write your answers in a separate sheet of paper. 1. Anti-static wrist strap should be worn on the wrist of the dominant hand with the other end connected to a ground. 2. Choose pliers or wire cutters that have a grip span of 6 cm - 9 cm. 3. Use mild cleaning solution and any cloth to clean computer cases, outside of monitor or LCD screen. 4. Each tool should be examined after use, and damaged or defective tools are not to be used. 5. Do not over tighten screws because the threads may become stripped. 6. When you are repairing a laptop, antistatic mat can be used instead of an antistatic wrist strap. 7. Use the proper type and size of screwdriver by matching it to the screw. 8. Make sure the other end of the anti-static wrist strap is connected to a ground 9. When using the compressed air, never point it at yourself or another person 10. Apply excessive force or pressure on tools. 11. Technicians should roll down their sleeves, remove scarves or ties, and tuck in shirts to prevent interference from clothing. 12. Before cleaning any device, turn it off and plug the device from the power source. 13. Using a chisel as a screwdriver or a screwdriver as a chisel may cause the tip of the tool to break and fly off, hitting the user or another person. 14. Always inspect tools for defects before use. 15. In using the wire cutter, wear safety glasses or goggles, or a face shield.​