1.Which of the following are examples of sewing tools. (pins, sewing box, ruler, tape measure)
It is a tool used in cutting fabrics
2. It is a measuring tool used to measure length, width and thickness of short flat object and in sketching straight lines. ( ruler ,, pins, fabric, pin cushion )
3. It is used sharpens the needles and removes rust. ( emery bag ,pin cushion ,sewing box )
4. The sewing tool that goes on your middle finger tip to protect while you push your needle. (pin cushion ,scissors , ruler , thimble )
5. It keeps the fabric in place while cutting or sewing. (pins, thread , ruler , thimble )
6.It includes list of all needed supplies to accomplish your project along with their corresponding amount. (procedure , materials , evaluation , drawing)
7. It is the part of a project plan where you list the instructions you must follow in order to accomplish your project. (procedure , materials ,project title . tools needed )
8. Where will you put your needles and pins when not in use? (floor . mouth , pin cushion )
9.It is used to take body measurement. ( French curve , gauge, ruler , tape measure)
10. (Evaluation, Objective, Project Title) assesses the finished product using scoring rubric with a specific criteria.