Shield Volcanoes
- broad, slightly dome shaped
- not steep
- magma that varies in silica content
- mild eruptions of large volumes of basaltic lava
- magma with low silica content
Cinder Cones
- small size
- built from ejected lava fragments
Composite Cones
- Symmetrical cone
- steep slope angles
- many located in Pacific ring of fire
- composed of interbedded lava flows and layers on pyroclastic debris
- magma with high silica content
brief definition about:
Shield Volcano - A Shield volcano is a broad shield-shaped volcano that is built up by successive, mostly effusive, eruptions of low-silica lava.
Cinder cones - also known as pyroclastic cones, are the smallest and the simplest type of volcano. They are the world's most common volcanic landform.
Composite volcano - also known as a stratovolcano is a cone-shaped volcano built from several layers of lava, pumice, ash, and tephra. They have relatively steep sides and are more cone-shaped than shield volcanoes and are some of the most dangerous type of volcanoes.
Have a great day!