write a reflective journal regarding your opinion or stand on prejudice​ plss

Sagot :


In today's environment, prejudice and discrimination are inextricably linked. Prejudice is defined as unwarranted negative views held by some people toward members of a particular group. Sexism, racism, homophobia, and religious persecution are all examples of prejudice.

Prejudices are created in advance and have no rational basis. Discrimination encompasses any actions taken by those who have prejudices against others. I do believe that we can greatly reduce the amount of prejudice in our world today, yet I do not think that it will ever completely go away. Society has seemingly come to except all races, religions, and genders, and supposedly has achieved “political correctness,” yet there will forever be individuals who discriminate based upon these issues

We, as the human race, need to focus on not judging people before we know them for who they are. Today, there are so many different people in this world that stereotypes are almost always incorrect, as many people choose not to be followers, but to be individuals.