7.it comes from Greek word “Christos” means “Messiah or the Anointed one” and “logos” means study. A. Messiology B. Ecclessiology C. Christology D. Doctrine 8.The word Godspell means A. It is a religious message & source of faith or good news B. It is a book of knowledge that narrates important events C. It is a religious reference D. It is a written account about Theories. 9.What is the reason why the Gospel writers put the oral tradition of teaching into writing? A. To spread the good news faster B. To have a record of Gods testimony and evidences of his teachings C. To preserve and prepare the gospel for future generations. D. They just want to write. 10. One of the contemporaries of Jesus he encountered during his time includes the following except? A. Sadducees B. Pharisees C. High priest D. Merchants