Read and analyze each statement. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if otherwise.
16. Solomon did not completely rely on God’s grace and guidance.

17. The finished temple was truly a magnificent landmark

18.Solomon became famous throughout other nations because of his wealth.

19. Solomon requests for the gift to defeat his enemies.

20. Before making major decisions, Solomon always prayed first.

21. Solomon joined his wives in worshipping false gods.

22. The ceremony of anointing Solomon with the priest and the prophet symbolized that Solomon was not only David’s choice but also God’s.

23. Together with what he asked, God also rewarded Samuel with riches and power.

24. The temple of Jerusalem became the centerpiece of Samuel’s reign.

25. Solomon became famous for his ability to pass wise judgement on the cases brought before him.

26. Not like his father Solomon did not succumb into temptations and did not made critical mistakes in his reign.

27. Solomon united the tribes into one kingdom.

28. Saul had built the temple because he wanted god the best house possible.

29. God reminded him that it was not the splendid temple that pleased Him but Solomon’s obedience to His will.

30. Solomon kept many wives to further his international power
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