1. well. for me,I would like to work because as a student,we need also a special skills on how we predict our lives.Because if someday or in the future,if you're lonely you know already on how to survive even if you're lonely/alone in life.
2.For me its a big yes,If you work hard then your future turns in,then you know already to how to be alone.I mean,just if you work hard you can survive with your own.
3.For me,I will make a one by one plan,to have a slowly success and life skills too.. number one. being a agriculturer to help the environment not to destroy it. the second is being a motherhood maternity and not selfish or impatient. the third is being good to environment.:)
I made it in my own opinion and also this was my answer in my module's too. I hope it helps:)