!!וח pro Learning Task 2: Carefully read the precautionary measures below and determine if it is co or not. Write TRUE if it is correct otherwise write FALSE. 1. In selecting pesticides, one must check its proof of registration and clear labels as the law dictates 2. Spillage of pesticide when transporting is a normal part of operation. 3. Pesticide as well as any equipment or protective gear contaminated with pesticides must be separately with other articles to avoid contamination. 4. Dilute or prepare the pesticide accurately in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. 5. In applying pesticide, it is important to select the appropriate nozzle to avoid “over-spray" of pestic 6. Applying pesticide in liquid or powder form outdoors under strong wind is not advisable. 7. Certain orders from the Waste Disposal Regulation enforced by the Environmental Protect Department must be followed in handling pesticide waste to avoid damaging the local ecology. 8. It is recommended that all personal protective equipment must be washed immediately after use, 9. In case of applying first aid for the person poisoned by pesticide, remember that you are only giv temporary measure to relieve the symptoms and patient must be sent to the hospital as soon as possit 10. Eating, drinking, and smoking is highly discouraged when handling pesticides. 11. Pesticides should be stored under strong sunlight or high temperature. 12. Your posture when carrying heavy objects depends on your preferred position. 13. Never spray pesticides onto places where the temperature is high, a flame is burning, or an electric appliance is operating. 14. Strict observance of personal hygiene is a must in ensuring safety when working with pesticides. 15. Always wear your PPES