What is the greatest common factor of 22, 33, 44 and 66?
You can find the Greatest common factors(GCF) of a two number/numbers.
By listing the factors.
22 - 1 & 22, 2 & 11,
33 - 1 & 33, 3 & 11
44 - 1 & 44, 2 & 22 , 4 & 11
66 - 1 & 66, 2 & 33, 3 & 22, 6 & 11
We are finding the Greatest common factor so find the Greatest or Highest factor that are factors of these numbers
GCF = 11
-There are other methods to find GCF like Ladder method ( Continuous Division) and Factor tree
Some to remember when finding GCF:
When finding GCF always find the Greatest or Highest Factor that is the Factor of the said numbers