is it true that Dividing a number by a fraction makes a larger number?

Sagot :


Why does dividing a fraction by a fraction make it a bigger number? I understand how to divide but why?

When you look at the division symbol, ÷ , you are looking at the structure of a fraction, because fractions are basically division problems. The bottom number in a fraction, the denominator, tells you what group is being used. The top number, the numerator, tells you the quantity of that group that is present. So, the fraction 1/2 (one half), can be said in words as, “How many groups of 2 are there in 1?” The answer is “one half a group of 2 is in 1.” This is why all fractions that have the same number in their numerator and denominator always equal one. How many groups of 2 are there in 2? There is one group of 2 in 2. How many groups of a million are there in a million? There is one group of a million in a million. Conversely, the fraction 10/5 = 2 because there are two groups of five in the number ten. Using division nomenclature, we can also express this as “1 divided by 2 equals 1/2” or “10 divided by 5 equals 2”.

Step-by-step explanation:

Imagine you have one pie. You want to divide it into quarters (¼). You'll end up with 4 pieces (greater number than 1).

That, I hope, desribed what division is all about. You take a number and group into set(s) of other number and count how many set(s) results from that grouping. If the divisor is larger, you'll end up with less that 1 set (a fraction of a set).