Newton's first law tells us that an object in motion stays in motion, and an object at rest stays at rest unless acted upon a net force
The first law of motion affects us when we are in a moving vehicle because, no matter how fast the car is moving, we will be moving that fast also. Things have the tendency to keep doing what they are currently doing.
Inertia is the tendency to resist the change in motion. So, if you crash your car into something, your body will resist the change in motion and, unless something else stops it first, your body will crash into the object at the same speed that the car crashed into the object. This part is where the seatbelt and airbags comes into play.
Seatbelts and airbags can help protect people from this danger. Seatbelts safely provide a net force that can stop or slow down your body and airbags works by increasing the time of impact and decreasing the force of impact that will stop you from getting hurt or being killed.