"Eat like a prince during breakfast and like a pauper at dinner, Filipinos are fond of eating and we eat our meals three times a day with snacks in between. No one can question that people in all walks of life are food-lovers. But we need to know that the most important meal that we should consider is breakfast. Energy for the body depends on the meal that we have for the day. It is during daytime that we do almost all of our activities from our homes to our schools. It is but important to have breakfast in order to do all these activities. In addition to this, body cells need nutrients from the food that we eat so that the organs can also do their work well. Lastly, our brain will function well if our body will be properly nourished with breakfast. Pupils, who do not eat breakfast, are weak and could not think well in school. So, begin your day with breakfast to be energized and become alive!
Read the text above. Then, Identify the features and the purpose shown by the text.
Nutrients are compounds in foods essential to life and health, providing us with energy, the building blocks for repair and growth and substances necessary to regulate chemical processes.