А Learning Task 7: We will assess the knowledge, skills and understanding that you have gained from the lesson. Choose one activity below and do it creatively. You will be guided by the given rubrics. Jingle composed a simple song about the prevention of nutritional problems among adolescents. • Brochure - make a brochure that informs the public especially the youth on a wise and intelligent adolescent preventing nutritional-related problems. Pinggang Pinoy - make a Pingang-Pinoy that will show the right food and amount to be taken by adolescents experiencing nutritional-related problems. Criteria Very Good (10pts) Good (8pts) Fair (7pts) Poor (5pts) Includes relevant details about the lesson Correct grammar and choice of words are clear Shows originality, own style and point of view Clear Message Shows craftsmanship through clean, neat and carefully constructed output Meets the general expectations by revealing the activities lesson, message, and thought.​

Sagot :


Learning task 7:

Jingle Composed)

Hi life lovers what’s the fuss?

If you drink sweet drinks you’ll look like us

Sugar in your drink makes your teeth decay

There’s ‘maxed out’ sugar in a can? No way!

Energy drinks, they’re no good for kids

And sweet juice, don’t open the lid

Flavoured milk is not the way.

Well tell me something I can do every day.

If ya playing a game and your lungs could burst

There’s only one way to cure your thirst...Drink it!