Modified TRUE or FALSE. Write T if the statement is true and F is False. Underline
the word or words that make the statement false then write the correct answer on the
space provided.

_________________1. When you click AutoSum, Excel automatically enters a formula
_________________2. Rows create a reference to a range of cells.
_________________3. If sorting by row, click 'Options' and select 'Sort right to left.
_________________4. Excel will not always tell you if your function contains an error, so it's up
to you to check all of your functions

_________________5. To save your excel graph as a photo, right-click on the graph and
select Save as Picture
_________________6. A function is a predefined formula that performs calculations using
specific values in a particular order.
_________________7. The Function Library command is convenient because it allows you to
search for a function by typing a description of what you're looking for or by selecting a category
to peruse
_________________8. To sum a column of numbers, select the cell immediately below the last
number in the column. To sum a row of numbers, select the cell immediately to the right
_________________9. Individual values or cell references inside the parentheses are separated by
either colons or spaces.
_________________10. Control Tool Box used to close windows, restore or maximized, and
minimized the application window.
_________________11. You can count how much the number of rows in a single worksheet by
holding the CTRL + Down arrow key.
_________________12. Each function has a specific order—called symbol—which must be
followed in order for the function to work correctly
_________________13. Editor bar called also the option bar, meaning you can edit or change data
and create a logical formula using this bar
_________________14. Tab buttons- it's just a form of four arrows situated left side of the tab
sheets buttons
_________________15. Row header use to notify the filename of your document after saving it
and the name of your office application.