Choose and read story from the Old and New Testaments. Summarize them and give your insights. Write your answers in the chart below.

Old Testament




New Testament




Need proper answer po. need po asap. Thank you!

Sagot :


Old Testament

Title: Story of Jonah

Summary: Jonah is different from all the Prophets of God. This is the story of the adventure of a Prophet who tried to runaway, disobey or flee from God's command. This is the prophet who was swallowed by a big fish whom sent by God.

Insights: Here in this story, we see that Jonah chose his decision rather than what God asked him to do. Sometimes we humans, we prefer our own preferences, our decision is only for our own preferences. We set aside God's commandments or sometimes we ignore the will of our God. But in God no one can hide from him or run away from him, here in this story it is also taught that our God is merciful and loving to us, that God Himself makes the way for us to return to him, such as what God did for Jonah.

New Testament

Title: Jesus Calms the Storm

Summary: This incident took place when Jesus was with his apostles in a boat. And a violent storm comes up, and they are afraid. But the Lord Jesus showed his power and he rebuked the wind and the waves and it became calm, the Lord stopped the storm.

Insights: Here in this story, we are taught that in our life here on earth we will also face storms, these are the problems we have in life, the difficulties we will have in our journey here on earth. That sometimes we will be tested by a storm (problem), that sometimes we will be afraid. But the story shows us that we can only trust in the Lord, that he can also stop the suffering we go through just as the Lord stopped the storm in the days of the apostles, so does our storm, as long as we trust in our Lord.